Saturday, 26 October 2019
5th International Choral Music Days Chorint
04.30 pm Interreligious Concert
with the premiere of the oratorical scenes “Im wüsten Land ohne Weg” (Libretto: Christian Lehnert, composition: Saad Thamir) as well as works by Louis Lewandowski, Johann Sebastian Bach (excerpts from the Mass in B minor) and Saad Thamir.
- Roland Stolte | Foundation House of One
- Synagogal Ensemble Berlin | Director: Regina Yantian
- Cantor Isaac Sheffer
- Vocal Ensemble Szabba | Direction: Saad Thamir
- Marien Kantorei | Director: Maria-Louise Schneider
- Aris & Aulis Orchestra
- Different Soloists
St. Marienkirche Berlin
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 8
10178 Berlin
Info and tickets at
Music in intercultural dialogue on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the “House of One” 23 – 27 October 2019